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Small Business Phone Systems: A Quick Guide to Small Business Phone Systems

By Chavella Kelly
Small businesses need to put a competitive face when it comes to reaching out to their partners, suppliers and in particular, customers. Companies can gain leverage from small business phone systems in order to find sound solutions in communications.

Phone calls through the Internet
VoIP, one of the handy communication tools brought in by the Internet age, allows people to engage in phone calls through the use of Internet technologies, as the name actually stands for Voice Over Internet Protocol. Unlike the traditional phone system that uses circuit switching, VoIP breaks down the voice traffic through tiny packets of data and sends it through a one-way connection. The process is less expensive, and the results are faster and quicker through digitized communication channels.

Advantages of VoIP
Small business phone systems also lists down the many advantages companies can get from cheap long distance phone service. Employees located in different locations in the country or in the world can easily get in touch with each other through this special phone system. Companies no longer have to pay huge long-distance fees, thus encouraging constant and regular communications in between satellite offices.

Constant communication allows VoIP users to be more versatile, too. Acknowledging tools like video conferencing, people can bring in a more personal touch to the way they conduct meetings and reports. This business phone system further adds another cost-saving feature-no need to keep costly travel expense accounts. Stakeholders can be summoned for a meeting within minutes and speak with each other, wherever they are, as long as there is Internet connection.

Through VoIP, small business phone systems share a common network, which basically is still similar to the old analog-style PABX system. The network administrator can set up useful features such as extension dialing and call transfers, through which business processes can flow seamlessly.

Small business phone systems also ensure traveling executives are kept within an arm's length from their colleagues with the use of a Virtual Private Network or VPN. It becomes essential when crucial information off-site needs to be relayed immediately. Phone calls are conveniently made through the laptop computer, with no additional charges.

Shopping for VoIP providers
Looking for small business phone systems providers require sufficient evaluation. There are plenty of VoIP packages that are available for all types of companies. Consider factors such as size of the workforce and the intricacies of the daily tasks that entail smooth worry-free communications. Be sure to gauge the reputation of the VoIP provider who is a certifiable vendor, to avoid the risk of purchasing dubious software as well as sub-standard hardware.

Chavella Kelly is an internationally respected business coach with years of experience in Marketing. She provides education, training, and informative material to entrepreneurs, small business owners and other businesses. Find out how she can assist you today in staying connected in the digital age with video phones []

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