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High-End Business Phone Systems

By Ken Marlborough
Whether it is a small or large business organization, a business phone system has become a basic necessity. Rather than an ordinary phone system, today organizations demand a business phone system with advance technology that will help to increase productivity and improve customer service. High-end business phone systems are the outcome of the increased demand for phone systems with cutting-edge technology.

Voice over internet protocol (VoIP), voice processing and computer telephony integration solutions are some of the innovated technologies in business phone systems. Commonly, these innovate technologies are highly beneficial for companies that make extensive use of the phone.

With its ability to support integrated voice and data applications, VoIP is considered the best alternative to the analogue telephone connection. Through this technology, employees can make telephone calls and send faxes over IP-based data networks between branch offices. But the most significant advantage of VOIP is reduced telephony costs. Hence, this technology has become the most popular and widely used high-end business phone system in establishments worldwide.

Computer telephony integration (CTI) is technology that integrates computers and telephones for proper handling of voice, email, web and fax. The system assists in building a healthy relationship between the customer and the entrepreneur, controls data traffic and also increases productivity. Computer telephony integration systems are ideal for business organizations that deal with extensive incoming or outgoing calls, and handle large volumes of e-mail traffic.

Voice processing is totally a computer based high-end business phone system. It encompasses four main components including processing unit, server software, client software and voice boards. The voice processing system is a broad term that covers a wide range of advance features. Voice mail, automated attendant, speech recognition, speech to text, and voice response are the most commonly found features. Thus, business organizations with extensive calls can get significant benefits from voice processing systems. Now, voice processing systems are widely used in the banking industry.

Business Phone Systems [] provides detailed information on Business Phone Systems, Small Business Phone Systems, Affordable Business Phone Systems, Professional Business Phone Systems and more. Business Phone Systems is affiliated with Business Phone Services [].

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