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6 New Business Phone System Features You Need To Know About

By Hamish Jones
The purchase of business phone systems seem to be cyclical. Working in the telecommunications industry like I have for a long time, you see cycles come and go. We know that people are coming up to the stage where they look at their big telecommunications infrastructure- many businesses are looking at upgrading their business phone system now.

What we have seen though is that many businesses do not fully understand what benefits they can get from upgrading and what they can look at from particular PBX systems. Here are 6 new features that you need to know about. Your new system should be:

Scalable and easy to modify- Older systems generally were not scalable to any great extent. New systems are scalable and can be more easily modified as your situation changes. As your company grows and as technology changes in your business one thing will stay the same- you will be able to keep the same phone system!

Future Proof- As internet speeds increase, telecommunications providers are moving towards providing voice services over IP instead of over traditional fixed copper lines. New phone systems work as both traditional PBX systems and IP phone systems. Your new hardware should be future proof.

One phone number to reach you on- New systems provide unified communications solutions. You can be reached on one number. For example, if someone rings the office, you can answer calls at your desk phone or on your mobile. There's no need to worry about call forwarding or missed contact. For business people, especially those in a sales role, this is absolutely vital.

One voicemail box to check for messages- Another major benefit of a unified communications solution is that you only need one voicemail box for your messages. Instead of having a voicemail on your desk phone and a voicemail on your mobile phone, you only need to have voicemail active on your mobile. There is less chance of you missing a message.

Browser based management- If you want to change settings on your phone system, you can do this from a computer through a browser. This makes it easy to change settings and many activities can be done by individuals within a company without the need for hiring in a phone technician.

Flexible calling options- You can use fixed desk phone, IP services, wireless phones and mobile phones to call through to clients or other staff. The opportunities are endless.

New business phone systems come with some great features. The 6 features mentioned in this article may be enough reason for you to upgrade the phones in your office today.

If you are considering purchasing a new business phone system give Altitude Communications a call. The team here, with over 25 years experience in telecommunications, can help you pick the best business phone system for your needs.

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