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How to Earn Cash With Your Cell Phone - The Newly Uncovered Secret

By Melanie Lagasca
A new craze in earning quick and easy cash with a cell phone is raging today. By this I don't mean selling your cell phone, or accepting cell phones as a pawned item. What I'm talking about is using the cell phone to earn cash by connecting the buyers and
sellers of commercial goods. This new craze is called Mobile Phone Marketing, which is in essence, using cell phones in promoting products of known businesses that pays commission every time a sale is made. This new way of earning extra cash with a cell phone has become a new sensation due to the existence of legitimate services that allow virtually anyone to send messages to people through their cell phones.

Is Mobile Phone Marketing for you? Anyone can participate in this newly discovered "cash rich" money making scheme as there is virtually no barrier to entry. There is only a very little investments required. For sure you don't need a domain name or a website. All that is needed is a cell phone, a little creativity and a minimum amount of efforts and you're on your own. And the happy thing is, you can even work on it on spare time.

And who knows, with a huge and ever expanding market, you could be making a full time income from it. Cell phones are hip, hot and everywhere on the planet, but in spite, marketers have been slow to cash on their true potentials. In fact the internet marketing gurus haven't yet jumped into the bandwagon to cash on in this new marketing direction.

Let's take a look at these interesting truths on this mobile communication device:

o Right now over 61% of the World population uses a cell phone on a regular basis. If you do the math, that means over 4 Billion people walking around with a cell phone in their pocket every single day. In the US alone, over 250 million people have a cell phone. 
o Cell phone ownerships keep increasing, and the growth isn't going to stop any time soon. The market just keeps getting bigger. 
o Three Billion people look at their cell phone dozens of times everyday. Considering the average person checks their phone 25 times per day, you could have 100 billion opportunities each day to get your offer seen. 
o You can reach more people via their cell phone than any other media on the planet. 
o More people have a cell phone than have a television, computer, internet or anything else you can think of. 
o Cell phone provides the simplest and easiest way to communicate with that massive and constantly growing market.

With all of these huge statistics, the most incredible part is that the cell phone market is virtually untapped. It is a virgin territory. With 4.3 Billion people in the market and tens of thousands more joining every day there is, there will never be any danger of over-saturation. Having this method is like being the first person to figure out that email was a good way to promote products to people back in 1998. Can you imagine how much money that person made?

How much cash will I earn with my cell phone? Like the rest of the money making ventures, the income you get is pretty much dependent on how hard and creative you are in your campaigns. The income potential is determined by (a) The amount you make from businesses every time you make a sale, and (b) The rate at which you are making the sale. Industry experts say that with the use of logically structured approach, anyone can make at least $200 each day without difficulty. And if you are a little more creative and intense in your campaigns, earning thousands of dollars a day isn't far pitched. Since the market is pretty much untapped and there is literally no competition, the income potential in the mobile industry is very tremendous.

Has anyone tried this before? The concept of selling goods using cell phone as the medium is actually not new; in fact big corporations, especially those in the media and communications have already cashed in on this. Have you ever received a text message from your service provider selling you ring tones? I bet my bottom dollar they were making a killing on it. A few pioneering individuals are trying it at this very hour, and since it is still a new venture, none of them has yet come to the open to tell their success stories. But it wouldn't be far away when we hear from the pioneers how many millions they made on this venture.

So, if you are looking for a new way to earn extra cash without having to exert tremendous amount of labor, then this untapped field of earning cash with a cell phone is for you. Imagine conducting your business right in the palm of your hand any where, any time, as long as you are within reach of a cell signal. Just think, no more having to be at the office at a certain time, no more having to deal with a lousy boss, no more having to break your back on a work you hated. When it is time to conduct any part of your business or whatever, you just find a signal and you're at work. Now, that's what I call independence and freedom.

Melanie E. Lagasca is both a full time mom and a freelance writer. Her latest interest is Mobile Phone Marketing. If you want to earn cash with your cell phone, click here [].

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