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Why Would You Use Forum Marketing?

By Anne O'Dwyer
Forums are online meeting places where people ask questions and exchange ideas. They are communities of like-minded people sharing thoughts on their particular topic. There are forum groups for every niche. To find your particular forum just make a Google search with relevant keywords and you will probably find a choice.

Why would anyone want to join a forum? Well there are multi media networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ etc. they all have their differences in a similar way forums are all different, different rules and agendas. They can be specifically geared to a particular topic or more general. Some are large and very active, where posts have a fast turn over, but a huge following; others won't have a great deal going on. However the interesting posts lasts longer, so when you are choosing look at the posting dates and the number of followers, to see how active the forum is.

When working alone online and at home you may miss the comradeship of your office or workplace. Within forums you can build relationships with other members. If you need help with something you are working on you can ask a question, you will then get some suggestions from other members.

Because of this activity between members it makes a good place to gather some free traffic. When you answer others questions, or ask your own there is a signature box to attach your website link and a short call to action. If people like your comments they are likely to look and see what your website is about. You then gain relevant responsive traffic. Another benefit of forum traffic, it is organic, and will continue to grow as people add further comments to the posts over the weeks ahead.

You may already have a business online, or you may be looking for ideas. Do you want to set-up a simple online business working with a mentor to a tried and tested formula, where the products are provided together with training? Probably with sales pages and other tools too, to help you get started easily.

Affiliate Marketing could be the answer because much of the marketing is done for you. You can begin earning whilst you are learning the techniques and ovoid information overload. Later you can branch out into different online activities if you wish, once you nave learned the basics.

Books that may be of interest:

"Feel the fear and Do It Anyway" by Susan Jeffers

"Building an Online Cash Cow" by Anthony Barlow

"99Ways to flood Your Website With Traffic" by Mick Macro

"SEO step by step" by Caimin Jones.

"500 Social Media Marketing Tips" By Andrew Macarthy

"Profitable Social Media Marketing" by Tim Kitchen & Tashmeem Mirza

"Also by the same author "How to get to the top of Google

Hello My name is Anne

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