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How to Quickly Build a List of Targeted Buyers!

By Fritz Blanc
Small and medium enterprises (commonly referred to as SMEs) have to sell their products or services via a direct sales/marketing method. One such method is to build a list of targeted and repeat customers. Staying in touch with the people on your list will keep them warm and responsive to your messages and offers. An email list allows you to increase your sales volumes while keeping your product relevant. So, the question is, how to quickly build a list of targeted buyers?

Identify your targeted audience

Have you identified who will be buying your products or using your services? Well, for this you'd need stats. Analyze information on people who have used your service in the past and gather all the relevant demographic information on this group. As you are aware, if you meet the needs of 'these' people then they are bound to be your loyal customers.

Invest on a good email management software

There are many software programs for this. Nobody wants their emails to land on the spam list; so ensure that whatever program you choose is easy to use and helps you manage your email list with relative ease. For starters, go for an email management program that is hosted by a reputable host.

Bring them in by the hundreds

Getting a thousand people to subscribe to your email list is not that hard. Make them an offer they cannot resist - maybe a discount that only subscribers can enjoy or a free gift card. Many Of them will naturally be attracted to your offers, include an online form or postcard that invites them to join your email list.

Add value to your offer

Come to think of it, how would you react if an organization keeps sending you emails with no relevant information. What would you do? Flag their emails as spam, right? Don't let this happen to your business. Explain clearly why potential clients should subscribe to your newsletters. Nobody wants to receive junk mail with nothing relevant in them. They want content that they find valuable and that offers them a unique solution to their problems. The idea here is this: they should be waiting for your next email with bated breath knowing that it will be filled with killer content that is sure to help them in their life or their business.

What should you offer?

Depending on the audience you have targeted for your campaign, they might enjoy receiving free white paper downloads, e books, newsletters, promotional DVDs, and even discounts on products ordered.

Get your current email subscribers to spread the word

It's probably the oldest mode of communication (remembers smoke signals?). Yet word of mouth still is still the best. Through word of mouth, your subscribers can spread the word about you, your products, services and promotions. Most email management software have a unique feature that allows the email to be forwarded to a friend. It doesn't hurt to ask.

Use your online marketplace

When a client buys your product, you are at liberty to automatically add them to your email list. After all, if this person bought from you, what would stop them from becoming a regular customer? While at it, keep a relevant list of buyers. What does that mean? Well, anybody who does not fit your targeted demographic or one who isn't buying despite all the effort should be dropped.

That's how you build a list of targeted buyers quickly. Follow through these tips and the numbers will soar from a few dozen to a thousand or more.

Fritz is a member of the IMIB (Internet Marketing Income Builder) Club and an expert writer on this site. He knows a few things about sending traffic to a website or blog.

You can get more tips and information on how to bring free traffic to your website or blog here

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