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Basics About Microbiology We Should Know

By Michael Harris

New species of organisms continue to be discovered on land and in the sea with each passing day. Of all the organisms that populate the earth, microorganisms form the bulk. The organisms have both useful and harmful effects in our day to day lives. Microbiology is a branch of science that is concerned with the study of these microorganisms. One of the most important things to know about microbiology is that it is broadly divided into thematic areas depending on the type of organisms involved.

Our bodies are full of bacterial organisms that live with us in what is known as a symbiotic relationship. These bacterial organisms are also called normal flora. Their presence helps suppress the growth of harmful organisms that are responsible for various diseases. Normal flora is mainly found on the skin, in the gastrointestinal system and within the genitourinary system. In the female genital tract, they help maintain the pH within an acidic range which in turn helps keep urinary tract infections in check.

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the areas in which knowledge in microbiology is important. During drug development, the causes of diseases and medical conditions are extensively studied. Infectious diseases may be caused by bacteria, viruses or protozoa. Understanding the organism well is the first step towards developing a drug against it. One of the aspects that are commonly targeted by therapeutic agents is the life cycle.

Vector borne infections are many and varied. They are caused by microorganisms that are mainly transmitted from one person to another by insects (also known as vectors). One needs to understand how such a microorganism exists both in the vector and the host (humans or other mammals). Some of the diseases that are transmitted in this manner include malaria, yellow fever and sleeping sickness among others.

The food and beverage industry is another area where the knowledge of microorganisms can be used beneficially. Fecal oral transmission of diseases is an issue of great public health concern. If we understand which organisms are likely to be contracted from food, we prepare ourselves better to deal with them. Yogurt processing requires that one understands the type of bacteria that exist. Lactobacillus is the most people in this regard.

With increased terrorist activities all over the world, some leaders have expressed their concern over the possible use of harmful microorganisms. Biological warfare has the potential to wipe out communities if mounted. Anthrax is one of the diseases that has caused panic in some parts of the world in recent years. The bacteria which can remain inactive for years is easily transmissible and causes death rapidly.

In the last few years viral diseases have presented a major global problem. The Ebola virus in particular threatened to bring the world to its knees. The viral illness, like other viral hemorrhagic fevers is associated with a dramatic pattern of symptoms that causes death within hours if not attended to. It spreads rapidly and has the potential to wipe out entire villages. A vaccine has now been developed after extensively studying the organism.

A proper understanding of microbiology is needed to formulate the prevention and treatment plan of infectious diseases. The organisms in our environment may vary as we move from one place to another hence we need to know those that are found in our immediate surroundings. Information about microorganisms can be found online, in public libraries and from public health departments.

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