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Your Tennessee Walking Horse Will Provide A Pleasant Trail Ride

By Helen Hughes

There are a number of different breeds of horses just as there are with dogs and cats. One fine equine example is the Tennessee Walker. This sturdy breed has a unique four-beat running walk. They are so fine. There is no bouncing on his back as with the horses who walk, trot and canter. The gait of the Tennessee walking horse is a comfortable ride in all three of his gaits.

Anyone who has ridden the American Quarter Horse and the thoroughbred will notice the difference between the trot and the running walk. This steed rides English or Western. It has a calm disposition, yet can be energetic and flashy in the show ring. Ride for competition or pleasure.

The breed was developed from Canadian and Narragansett Pacers being cross bred with Spanish Mustangs who were gaited. The Spanish Mustangs originated in Texas, and of course, Spain before that. A stud named Black Allan was the foundation sire, born in 1935.

This breed is perfect for riding pleasure trails, showing and also appearing in movies. Their gentle temperament makes them easy to train for any role. It was a Tennessee Walker who played the part of the Lone Rangers steed on television.

Their are two diverse competitions in which they compete. One is called flat shod, referring to the fact it is fitted with traditional shoes. The others are called performance shows.

There are any number of devices fitted to the hooves and fetlock area of the performance entrants. The reason it is done is to make them raise each leg higher as they perform. The cover term for all these methods is soring. It can, and often does, inflict great pain on the horse. They use built up horseshoes or insert nails or chemicals to the front legs just above the fetlock.

It is now illegal, but continues to be allowed in some of the shows. This abusive practice was outlawed in 1970 when the Horse Protection Act was passed. Criminal charges have been lodged against some owners.

Objections have been made because the sometimes severe pain is outright animal abuse. Some entrants in shows have been seen lying on the ground until forced to get up and perform by the owners. Bleeding and scarring have been observed by veterinarians in charge of inspections.

Race horses are sometimes deliberately slowed down in different cruel ways to keep them from the winners circle. That is why soring continues to be inflicted. It continues even though those who object have been attempting to discontinue it since the sixties.

The famed Elvis was a rider and owned many mounts in addition to his golden palomino named Rising Sun. He loved riding his black Tennessee Walker named Bear. Sometimes he would show off Bears smooth gait for his fans who gathered to observe every move the singer made.

By all accounts Bear was his second favorite mount. No soring was ever done to the stocky, well-built black horse. After riding was over, he was again free to roam the pastures at the Circle G Ranch. As Elvis kept buying horses, the herd became too big to stay at his mansion in Memphis.

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