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Sportswoman And Polo Champion Charlotte Skaggs

By Carolyn Richardson

Polo is one of the fastest and most dangerous sports in the world. Older than Jesus, the sport dates back to 600 BC in Central or Southern Asia, possibly in Persia, or what is now Iran. The sport is played on a grass field measuring 300 x 160 yards. The players are mounted on horseback and use long wooden mallets to try and bat a solid plastic ball into a goal to score against the opposing team. In many parts of the world, the riders are mounted on elephants. Water polo is another popular variation. Polo is big in Texas, mainly down to the efforts of a woman known as, "The Polo Lady, " Charlotte Skaggs.

Known affectionately as "The Polo Lady, " Charlotte founded an organization, Texans for Polo, in 2006. By skillfully using state-of-the-art technology and social marketing strategies, she raised the profile of the sport and boosted attendance by 500 percent within the space of six months. She raises the profile of polo by associating the sport with events centered around luxury cars, fashion shows, and the Brinker International Polo Cup.

Charlotte's love of horses and the game of polo were fostered by her mother and her grandparents. She longs to tell the world about the powerful and amazing sport of princes and kings. Through the Polo World Network, she aims to provide a forum where players can post videos and commentary about their tournaments and experiences. Spectators and friends of the sport are also encouraged to contribute their thoughts.

Not a big fan of heights, the Polo Lady likes to express her wild side through the medium of speed. She is such a daredevil that only 12 weeks after undergoing neck surgery, she was pedaling madly for Multiple Sclerosis, cycling 150 miles within 48 hours.

On another occasion, she and 900 of her closest friends sped across the entire state of Oklahoma, a distance of 400 miles, over a six-day period while camping in tents. On at least one evening, the crew endured winds of 75 miles per hour. Charlotte does not regard these events as races; rather, they are endurance contests, designed to show a commitment to complete the entire distance.

Charlotte also enjoys sailing her Coronado sailboat, "Wild Fire, " around Lake Grapevine. She took up sailing during the summer of 2011. Her first boat, a Scorpion she named "Horse 'n' Round, " after her grandparents' small yacht, held only two people so she upgraded to "Wild Fire, " a six-seater.

Among her other interests, Charlotte enjoys target shooting. Handy with a rifle, she has demonstrated skill at hunting mason jars in Alabama. She also likes poking around caves in Robbers Cave State Park and playing with baby alligators on while on boat trips in New Orleans.

This multi-talented woman has an unquenchable joie de vivre and masters any task she gets stuck into. It will only be a matter of time before the sport of elephant polo makes it big in Texas.

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