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Searching For Tape To Dvd Transfer Calgary

By Daniel Schmidt

A lot of people will have a collection of old video or home movie tapes in their homes. When a new format called DVD was introduced, these older mediums were used less and the players and projectors may no longer be available. If you still want to view these tapes you will need to locate tape to dvd transfer Calgary and employ a company to do the job.

Some of your tapes may not need copying if they are studio release movies or television shows as they are readily available on DVD for you to buy. If the content of your tapes is footage that you have recorded yourself then this can be transferred. There are professional companies in Calgary, AB who will be able to take your tapes and copy them to disc at a reasonable cost.

Some photography stores on the high street in your local area may be able to take your tapes and copy them to disc for you. This will normally take around a week and you will be able to collect your new discs. The costs vary depending on how many tapes are copied and how many discs need to be made.

There are also many online companies who specialize in converting different kinds of tape formats to disc. Cine, super 8 and VHS can all be transferred to the discs and in some cases they may be able to improve the quality of the footage by using specialist software. Your new discs will last a lot longer than tapes and can be played on modern devices even when on the move.

If you decide to use the services of an online conversion company you will need to pack up your films and get them ready for collection by a courier. It is important to ensure that every tape is properly labeled with details of content and that they are well protected for shipping. When the new discs are ready they will be dispatched to you along with the original tapes.

When your chosen company returns you discs they will be in boxes to protect them and some of the companies will offer custom sleeve printing. Pictures of family celebrations, high school graduations and other photos can be used to give a personal touch to your collection. Another good thing about the discs is that they take up less room on your shelves than the older style video cassettes.

When your footage is contained on disc you will be able to transfer it yourself to other devices in your home. Your content can be transferred to home computers, external hard drives and other discs can be made to give to family and friends. If you do not have the means to make more copies you always have the option of ordering more from the company as they will usually retain a master copy.

When you have received your discs and checked them and are happy it is a good idea to keep the original films. These can then be stored away safely and used to make other copies should the new discs be lost or damaged in the future. When storing old tapes they should be packed in air tight containers to protect them against moisture damage.

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