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Which Is The Best Resume Template?

By Barbara Gibson

Resumes act as your front runner during a job application process. They create the first impression of who you are which entices the recruitment manager to either hire you or not. Getting a good resume template therefore increases your chances of securing the job. But with thousands of templates available on the internet and other platforms, which is the best?

It is the features that differentiate the good from the terrible resumes. A good format should make it easier to located details that are important for your application. Recruiters have to handle thousands of applications and will therefore only pick the ones that standout. Pick a format that makes it easier to find information that demonstrates your suitability like experience, skills and other details that highlight your suitability.

Consider templates that are professionally prepared. These formats are usually systematic and clear. Details such as personal information, education and experience are clearly demarcated. This will allow the recruiting officer to go straight to important details during short listing. If the details are not clearly and easily available, your application could be overlooked in favor of others who are less qualified. This compromises your chances of securing the job.

While details are important in resumes, limit them to the most essential. For instance, provide a precise and official name. Only include titles that are relevant to the job you are currently applying for. Mr. And Mrs. Are general titles that may be omitted without affecting the strength of any application. The important titles that are important to include are Dr. Or Prof, and such titles that denote a higher level of qualification or achievement.

The purpose of resumes is to highlight your experience, skills and knowledge. This demands the use of official language and tone in present tense. Unless an abbreviation is universal like USA, UK, UN, etc, it should be avoided. Punctuation should remain at basic and most essential level. The skills, experiences and achievements included should be the most relevant and related to the application you are making.

A section on additional information is common in most resumes. It is vital since it allows you to include unique details that are not provided in a universal template. Numbering and bullets should be used when listing work experience. The latest appointment or position should appear at the top of the list with the commencement and termination dates for each position held. Include requisite responsibilities to demonstrate actual skills acquired.

The position you are applying for should guide you on the format to use. For instance, entry level jobs are interested in basic skills, enthusiasm and interest in the field. Middle level management level jobs require an applicant who understands the industry and can guide new entrants or manage a few people under his watch. Top management requires evidence of leadership which is not necessarily in the industry.

The specifics of the job you are applying for will guide you on the template to use. Recruiters also demand certain details that alter the format of your resume. What is important is to ensure that the template you select helps you to make the strongest case with your application standing out among the rest.

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