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Increase Revenue Of Dental Office

By Allison Bracken

It's probably no surprise that while schools of dentistry are great places to learn the fine art of becoming a dentist, they're not such great places to learn about the nuts and bolts of building, running, managing, and growing an actual dental practice. They are two very different things, requiring two very different skill sets. To survive or thrive in your practice, you will have to be able to increase revenue of dental office.

Unless you are content to work in someone else's practice, however (and you might be), they're two different skill sets that you ultimately need. If you are currently struggling to build or maintain the profitability of your office, then you already know and understand how surprisingly tricky and daunting the business side of the equation can be. The science behind dentistry is harder, absolutely, but sometimes, it certainly doesn't feel that way. When you suffer things like high turnover rates at the office, lack of time and resources to properly train staff, and an increasing patient base, even as your profitability shrinks, it often feels like you're just beating your head against a wall. You feel as though you should be able to figure out what's going on with your business, but somehow, it is eluding you.

Figuring that there had to be a better way, he made a promise to himself to find that better way, or simply quit his practice altogether, so he set about doing just that. He began by attending lectures given by prominent speakers of the day, in hopes that the methods they were describing would resonate with him. Unfortunately, none did, so once that avenue of research had been exhausted, he reached the conclusion that he would simply have to create his own model.

Simply put, the model taught by the Center is field tested. The people teaching it know that it works because they're using it themselves. They were once in the same boat you find yourself in now. Working long hours, but feeling as though you're not actually getting anywhere. That you're just spinning your wheels. You may have even forgotten that there is such a thing as "work-life balance" because it's been so long since you experienced it. You haven't done any significant strategic planning because you simply don't have the time for it, and aren't exactly sure where to start even if you could find the time.

If you own your own practice and are struggling to keep everything running smoothly, you now have a pretty good sense of the skills or areas you're weak in, and could use some additional training and instruction on. The problem, of course, is time. You're probably working at least 60 hours a week, and possibly significantly more than that. There's just no practical way you can take the time needed, miss work or just close the practice for a while so you can get some additional education, so you feel trapped.

For more information on the various courses that the Schuster Center provides, visit our website.

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