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Important Information About Home Staging Certification

By Douglas Ross

The selection of home stagers used to be very easy in the past because there were few professionals in the industry. In the recent past however, the industry has boomed as more homes are prepared for sale. Owing to the large number of professionals, some lack the necessary training. Home staging certification is an essential component of any home that is in the process of getting sold. It usually offers proof that the house is in good condition.

The process of certification is crucial and normally comes down to selection of the right professionals. Before considering certification, you have to consider the type of certification that the professional has. The training needs to be specific to the field of home staging. There are courses they can take to earn a certification, designation and accreditation. The highest form of training is accreditation. The person that will be certifying your house needs to have the right training.

Before getting the house certified, you have to ascertain that the professional has insurance. You should ask them to show a current policy that ought to include liability cover and cover for items they will use in the house. You do not want to be held responsible for any stolen or damaged stuff in the house. Rather, they should be paid for by insurance.

The charges for the services to be considered. In majority of the cases, you should not expect to get the best services cheaply. The best services will normally cost more. Professionals charge a range of fees for their services. It would be important to make comparisons of the charges of different professionals to come up with the most reasonable.

The stagers should have business licenses before they are allowed to offer certification. You will need to confirm that the license is valid and up to date. Also important is whether they will be offering any additional services or discounts. Besides that, they should be experienced so that no details are left out. Their experience can be confirmed from the past jobs that they have done.

The services of home staging are paid for by either the seller or the realtor supposed to be listing the house. It is the seller who will however ensure that staging has taken place. Nevertheless, some savvy realtors will include costs of staging as part of services they offer as a way of getting listing over competitors. Such realtors will require sellers to pay them the certification amount upfront, then they reimburse it later at the close of escrow.

Clients should ask their stagers what other help, mostly marketing, they are able to offer after completion of staging. This is because they are people well versed with the market and may be in a position to get buyers fast. The best professionals are members of professional bodies and should have membership certificates as proof.

You will need to work with someone you are able to trust. You should do proper research before settling on any professional. The internet has made it possible to access a large number of professionals.

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