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How To Make A Difference To The World About You!

By Paul A Philips 
The following is my stand for the possibility of creating a world that makes a difference for everyone!
Over the years I have come to the firm conclusion that just about every subject under the sun needs redefining using more truthful, honest and integral approaches both in theory and practice. In achieving this we will transform not only on the individual level, but also as a human race and will not live like 'victims.'
-From these new approaches a 'new era' in humanity can result; hence the term 'new paradigm' a term getting more and more quoted in this context.
What could you bring into existence, into being and share with the world that could contribute to transforming humanity in the above way?
For example, maybe there's an area of knowledge with practical applications you could share? So, through this article, I'm inviting you the opportunity to join me in becoming one of a team of co creators by getting involved in some way to create this 'new paradigm.' Now, what do you say to that?!
Using me as an example, my subject for some years has been health. I graduated at the School of 'Biological Sciences', which included biochemistry, physiology and nutrition, I later worked in a range of related research & development labs.
After watching some close friends and relatives' die of various illnesses, I learnt that the way in which the medical / pharmaceutical establishment treated diseases was not the only approach. I then got round to writing what I considered to be the truth in health matters: That unknown to many people, there are cheap, natural and non-toxic ways of treating illness.
This includes nutrition, exercise, focussing on one's outlook on life (attitude, thoughts, feelings, emotions, healing intention and avoiding environmental toxins. These related powerful approaches can be far, far more successful and, unlike the medical/pharmaceutical model, are capable of curing...
In my rally for the truth, it has been my intent to have people profoundly realise that through my work (and others) and applying the alternative approaches, your health can be totally in your hands!
Whether it's for health or any other subject with alternative approaches, in the name of freedom I strongly suggest you to get active in making the truth known to others. I consider that we owe it to our friends and relatives (and anybody else for that matter) to also get them educated to make informed choices, don't you?
If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:

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