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They Interviewed Me For A Job On Skype From Hong Kong

By Micheal B. Bennaroch

Have you ever received a call from a company asking for a couple of minutes for a phone interview? Most of you may not be prepared on handling this situation, as well as answering the series of questions thrown by the interviewer. However, with proper briefing and training, an applicant will be able to overcome this kind of screening. Indeed some job seekers join toastmaster's clubs simply to practice for such eventualities. Telephone screening interviews seem to be more than the norm and increasing in eventuality for most job seekers in these tough economic times we have in 2014 Obamacare - the "Affordable Health Care Act" et al .

Some pass their application through friends, relatives and, professors. But most of them use the power of internet to find their ever first job. Majority believe that they will immediately found a job using the knowledge gained from schools and universities. However, knowledge is not enough to succeed. A good deliberation of your skills through interview gives additional advantage on winning a job.

Most companies use phone interview to reduce the number of applicants accommodating per day. Through this method, the company saves time and effort in entertaining aspiring individuals one by one. In addition, an applicant also benefits from phone interview screening. This is the best chance to shine and show skills to the employer through speaking over the phone.

As a courtesy, never eat or smoke throughout the phone interview. Speak clearly on the mouthpiece and do not forget to smile, though it will not seen by the interviewer. Smiling over the phone can add energy to your voice to prevent from being boring. Avoid responding with yes or no when discussing your answer. As much as possible, provide accurate answers with detailed explanation for every question. Prove that you are qualified for the position and state your skills. If you receive the call while on distracted location, ask permission to the interviewer to hold on, so you can transfer on noiseless location. Nobody wants to speak over the phone with extreme noise in the background. In addition, the noise will affect the flow of conversation, specifically your answers. The numbers used by the interviewer are essential. Place their number on your phone or computer so it can be easily access when needed.

At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for the given time to share your abilities. Then, ask for the next step of your application. State that you're willing for a face-to-face interview when necessary.

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