Trudy-Ann Ewan
In the journey that is your life, no one else can walk in your shoes. That is why it's your journey, your story. Walking your journey is about stepping into you so that you can begin living your life from the inside out. That means that you no longer live your life based on external forces. You allow your life to guide you to where you need to be next. To others it may seem like you are not moving according to their specification and definitions of what success looks like. That is not your life and that is not how you are walking. Don't for one second believe that success is a straight line. Take the time to smell the roses.
Take the time to enjoy your life instead of rushing to get results. While traveling your journey it is important to enjoy the journey. Happiness is not the destination. It is along the way of the journey. Making money is no longer your main focus. You know that money is important, however, it is not your driving force. You are now taking a more holistic approach to your life. You are slowing down, you are simplifying your life and you are re-aligning your priorities. What is priority to others is no longer a dramatic production in your life. You are traveling inwards and that is a journey that should be handled with tender loving care. You are getting to know you and you should be handled with care. You are fragile now because you are breaking up with the old you. So take time with yourself. You are now gaining that power to be for yourself, love yourself, feel, know and believe that you are worth it. Love yourself through the rebirth and the transformation.
No longer do you approach external success from the position of the masses. You now know that internal success is far more important than external success. You are not here to please others while denying yourself. You are walking your own path of self-fulfillment. If others are not walking their path of fulfillment then you have no problem honouring who you are and where you are going even if it means going it alone. Gone are the days when you are doing things to please the external world. You are no longer living from an unfulfilling life model. Now you know if someone is not with you that's fine and if you no longer find interest in the same things you once did with your friends you know that that is fine too. This journey is about You. Don't allow anyone to define your journey to you and for you. You are in charge of you.
Stand in your center and you will attract the right people towards you, the right clients who are looking for your brand of living and the right job that is for you. Even if you help one person you have helped the world, because that person will now have the strength to heal themselves and they will now turn around and help others. By helping just one person you will have created a domino chain effect that can be heard around the world. All that abundance, goodness and blessings will come back to shower down on you. So do not worry that you may not have the kind of success that Society adores and reveres. That is no longer your concern nor is it where you are living your life from.
You are now living life from your definition of success, one that no one outside of you controls nor can they take it away from you. Now you know that there is more to life than living according to Societies specifications. Your happiness, peace in your heart and contentment in your soul is now your definition of success. Your inner world is no longer in turmoil. Instead your outer self is now aligning with your inner self. Your conscious self is now working in alignment with your inner essential self.
This is a time for rebirth, rejuvenation and re-awakening. The old ways of living and being no longer resonates with you. You know that there is more to life than running down money, trying to get a promotion and selling your soul for some company that can quickly replace you in the blink of an eye. Your job is no longer your identity, seeking to please the boss is no longer on your list of top five things to do to get that illusive promotion. Your job no longer fulfills you nor does it bring you any kind of happiness. You have no begun a quest for something more in your life. You are no longer looking to others to validate and approve of you. That is because you now validate and approve of yourself.
Having lived your current life for so long, it can feel almost impossible to make any kind of changes so that you can start seeking your happiness. Perhaps you have been told that you are selfish for seeking your own happiness. Other people may feel that when you get happy you may leave them. That maybe true, however, we can't deny our happiness to make other people feel happy. Matter-of-fact, a happier you will magnify more of that happiness into your life and it will extend to everyone. Wanting to be happier should never be sacrificed nor compromised. Think about it, why would you want to live the rest of your life shutting down your needs, wants and desires all because someone else may not be happy with the changes that comes with you being happy? While it can be hard to admit, there are people who are comfortable in the unhappiness that they currently exist in. It is easier to acquiesce to the larger crowd than it is to stand alone for what's important to you. This is where it is empowering to know that you are an adult and you no longer have to stay anywhere that you are not happy even if others may not like the new you.
Becoming happy in your life may cause you to lose some people along the way, however, the way is opening up for more people to enter your life. People who are operating on the new frequency that your life is now operating from. Every person that comes into our life fosters our growth and healing on some level within us, so while you may feel disappointed that some people from your old life did not make it into your new life, you can't stop your life and your journey to wait for them to show up. It is OK to pause in your journey to support someone in their journey, however, you can't afford to stop. But if you do stop, never stray too far from your Path or else you may find it extremely difficult to pick your life back up. Difficult but not impossible. The same goes for letting go of old programming that holds you hostage and away from the magnificent life that you are meant to live. It will take some time. That is why it is important to keep our eyes on the prize that is our life and keep focusing on our happiness, having peace and contentment in our soul.
Personally, I embody what Sister Iyanla Vanzant said, "I prefer to be content instead of being happy. I can be unhappy with where I am in my personal life, but I'm still contented with living". I feel the same way. I may not be happy with where I am in my life or with something that is happening in my life, but overall, I feel contentment inside of me. I have health and strength, I have my life, I have clean water, roof over my head, food in my fridge, good friends and laughter in my life and freedom of self. I have peace of mind, peace and love in my heart and deep contentment in my soul. So yes, even when I'm unhappy with certain things in my life, I know that this too shall pass. All in all as I look at my life I realize that I have everything that I need and that makes me feel content and as long as I'm content all the other things in life are just fluff. It is indeed in the Journey. Peace and Love!
In the journey that is your life, no one else can walk in your shoes. That is why it's your journey, your story. Walking your journey is about stepping into you so that you can begin living your life from the inside out. That means that you no longer live your life based on external forces. You allow your life to guide you to where you need to be next. To others it may seem like you are not moving according to their specification and definitions of what success looks like. That is not your life and that is not how you are walking. Don't for one second believe that success is a straight line. Take the time to smell the roses.
Take the time to enjoy your life instead of rushing to get results. While traveling your journey it is important to enjoy the journey. Happiness is not the destination. It is along the way of the journey. Making money is no longer your main focus. You know that money is important, however, it is not your driving force. You are now taking a more holistic approach to your life. You are slowing down, you are simplifying your life and you are re-aligning your priorities. What is priority to others is no longer a dramatic production in your life. You are traveling inwards and that is a journey that should be handled with tender loving care. You are getting to know you and you should be handled with care. You are fragile now because you are breaking up with the old you. So take time with yourself. You are now gaining that power to be for yourself, love yourself, feel, know and believe that you are worth it. Love yourself through the rebirth and the transformation.
No longer do you approach external success from the position of the masses. You now know that internal success is far more important than external success. You are not here to please others while denying yourself. You are walking your own path of self-fulfillment. If others are not walking their path of fulfillment then you have no problem honouring who you are and where you are going even if it means going it alone. Gone are the days when you are doing things to please the external world. You are no longer living from an unfulfilling life model. Now you know if someone is not with you that's fine and if you no longer find interest in the same things you once did with your friends you know that that is fine too. This journey is about You. Don't allow anyone to define your journey to you and for you. You are in charge of you.
Stand in your center and you will attract the right people towards you, the right clients who are looking for your brand of living and the right job that is for you. Even if you help one person you have helped the world, because that person will now have the strength to heal themselves and they will now turn around and help others. By helping just one person you will have created a domino chain effect that can be heard around the world. All that abundance, goodness and blessings will come back to shower down on you. So do not worry that you may not have the kind of success that Society adores and reveres. That is no longer your concern nor is it where you are living your life from.
You are now living life from your definition of success, one that no one outside of you controls nor can they take it away from you. Now you know that there is more to life than living according to Societies specifications. Your happiness, peace in your heart and contentment in your soul is now your definition of success. Your inner world is no longer in turmoil. Instead your outer self is now aligning with your inner self. Your conscious self is now working in alignment with your inner essential self.
This is a time for rebirth, rejuvenation and re-awakening. The old ways of living and being no longer resonates with you. You know that there is more to life than running down money, trying to get a promotion and selling your soul for some company that can quickly replace you in the blink of an eye. Your job is no longer your identity, seeking to please the boss is no longer on your list of top five things to do to get that illusive promotion. Your job no longer fulfills you nor does it bring you any kind of happiness. You have no begun a quest for something more in your life. You are no longer looking to others to validate and approve of you. That is because you now validate and approve of yourself.
Having lived your current life for so long, it can feel almost impossible to make any kind of changes so that you can start seeking your happiness. Perhaps you have been told that you are selfish for seeking your own happiness. Other people may feel that when you get happy you may leave them. That maybe true, however, we can't deny our happiness to make other people feel happy. Matter-of-fact, a happier you will magnify more of that happiness into your life and it will extend to everyone. Wanting to be happier should never be sacrificed nor compromised. Think about it, why would you want to live the rest of your life shutting down your needs, wants and desires all because someone else may not be happy with the changes that comes with you being happy? While it can be hard to admit, there are people who are comfortable in the unhappiness that they currently exist in. It is easier to acquiesce to the larger crowd than it is to stand alone for what's important to you. This is where it is empowering to know that you are an adult and you no longer have to stay anywhere that you are not happy even if others may not like the new you.
Becoming happy in your life may cause you to lose some people along the way, however, the way is opening up for more people to enter your life. People who are operating on the new frequency that your life is now operating from. Every person that comes into our life fosters our growth and healing on some level within us, so while you may feel disappointed that some people from your old life did not make it into your new life, you can't stop your life and your journey to wait for them to show up. It is OK to pause in your journey to support someone in their journey, however, you can't afford to stop. But if you do stop, never stray too far from your Path or else you may find it extremely difficult to pick your life back up. Difficult but not impossible. The same goes for letting go of old programming that holds you hostage and away from the magnificent life that you are meant to live. It will take some time. That is why it is important to keep our eyes on the prize that is our life and keep focusing on our happiness, having peace and contentment in our soul.
Personally, I embody what Sister Iyanla Vanzant said, "I prefer to be content instead of being happy. I can be unhappy with where I am in my personal life, but I'm still contented with living". I feel the same way. I may not be happy with where I am in my life or with something that is happening in my life, but overall, I feel contentment inside of me. I have health and strength, I have my life, I have clean water, roof over my head, food in my fridge, good friends and laughter in my life and freedom of self. I have peace of mind, peace and love in my heart and deep contentment in my soul. So yes, even when I'm unhappy with certain things in my life, I know that this too shall pass. All in all as I look at my life I realize that I have everything that I need and that makes me feel content and as long as I'm content all the other things in life are just fluff. It is indeed in the Journey. Peace and Love!