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15 Things You Must Do To Be Happy

By Zarelsie Van Der Merwe    

Ever wondered what it is that makes certain people seem happier than others? They have 15 things in common... You should make sure to make these 15 things part of your daily living to be happy.
1. Do not ever compare yourself with other people. You are generally unique; someone as exceptional as you has certainly not existed before and can never be found again. You have your personal personality, abilities, strengths and interests. Celebrate it because of its uniqueness.
2) Find your current passion and purpose. Find the items you are good at and why it is you wish to get up in the morning and carry them out whenever you can, even if you don't get paid for that.
3) Do what satisfies you, not what satisfies others. Find your pleasures', chasing after someone else's needs and targets will lead you away from your experience and leave you unfulfilled, unclear and miserable.
4) Acknowledge prosperity. Abundance is available within anyone, it must be acknowledged, not chased as if it something to be owned. It is not measured within your material wealth.
5) Be thankful. Be thankful for things you get without needing to lift a new finger, from living in a peaceful country to being involved with a family and friends. You will discover thousands more additional things to be thankful for when you start acknowledging the abundance you already have. Choose something to appreciate every day.
6) Be benevolent. Giving back is the greatest sense of fulfilment any person can ever achieve. Do it and notice the wonder...
7) Don't get hang-ups about your health, your appearance, your particular possessions or wealth. You were made beautiful in the image of something lovely, look after yourself but do not allow vanity to rule your life and waste your time and energy on worldly things.
8) Live frugally. Pay yourself first, and live within your means so you never need to worry about owing anyone else anything.
9) Exercise regularly. It gives you energy and enables you to cope with the physical demands of life.
10) Eat right. It will make you feel better about yourself and help your body cope with physical demands.
11) Exercise your brain. Your mind is really a muscle. Make sure it gets a workout every day.
12) Walk. Experience the magnificence of things from a different perspective. Walking forces you to decrease your pace and you can take pleasure in things which you might miss when driving.
13) Love. No-one should live without love. Love is a basic need.
14) Travel. Not to ever travel is similar to reading only 1 page of a book. Travel a different route to home after work or travel to places you have never been, the idea is to explore.
15) Read. Books give freedom. Broaden your horizons; open your brain, when you read extensively, your knowledge base with increase exponentially without the need for formal education.
Live2Excel is a free resource about how to use personal development principles and activities for continuous personal improvement and achieving a better quality of life.

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