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Your Profession As A Forest Ranger

By George Dodson

The wild land and wilderness of a country or state is guarded by the forest rangers. Certain forest rangers are fixed for certain area but they are free to go at urgent situation. Forest service is related to women all time. Now the door is open for you. You can serve the forest anywhere as a woman. In the year 2010 the total number of female forest rangers is about half.

Criteria for this job

For being a forest ranger U.S. citizenship is mandatory for you. If you have a permanent resident in the USA and if you meet up the criteria for being a citizen you can also apply. A valid driving license is mandatory for you. Qualification requirements are determined according to the grade level. As an example it is represented that, a bachelor degree is essential for GS-5 level on the other hand High school diploma is enough for GS-2 level. Qualification requirements are specific for each state. But, in general it is helpful for you to have a bachelor degree on forest based subject. Complete your bachelor degree on forestry, forest management, ecology, botany, biology and wildlife and fisheries management for getting special consideration for this job.

Take care of the visitors

In a park Tourists, campers, hikers and researchers are available constantly. You have to engage yourself for informing the visitors all things about the park including rules and regulations. Your task is to ensure their safety. You have to be the best friends of the visitors. When any visitors get lost, you should find and save them

Save the forest

You are engaged in protecting the wild area where you are working. For instance, find out and preventing forest fire is your work. Give back the forest its natural glory. It is your loyal duty. If the animals and birds are hurt it is your liability to take care them and the animals which are threatened to people, please anesthetize and entrap them.

Your earning

You are compelled to start your career as a junior ranger and your task is to help your boss who is an experienced one. If you are a national park ranger your payment varies according to the state and your level. For instance, park rangers of Virginia park are paid $23,999 to $31,352 per year. Your annual income in California varies between $38,532 to 50, 244 and in Texas it ranges between $29,928 to $46,396. In general, the salary of graduate park rangers varies $27,431 to 35,657.

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