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Group Support For Sex Addiction Recovery Meets In Various Locations

By Nelda Powers

The individual with a sexual addiction is dependent on excessive intercourse just as the alcoholic is dependent on drinking. Alcoholics Anonymous is an organization that holds meetings to help alcoholics. There is similar group support for sex addiction in many locations. The sexual addict is not the same as the sexual deviant. That individual seeks practices that are abnormal. They are often against the law as well.

The sex addict is drawn to what are defined as normal sexual practices. He or she is a nonparaphilic sexual addict. The sexual deviant may be an exhibitionist or a pedophile, which are paraphilic sexual addictions.

An addiction can be to internet porn as well as to in-person sexual encounters. It can be a daily or twice daily obsession, however, the actual sex acts fall within what is considered normal. It is only the frequency that is not. It is the inability to limit the frequency that is problematic.

The symptoms of an addiction include the need for ever increasing levels of intensity to achieve satisfaction, spending too much time having sex to the extent that it blocks other activity and feeling withdrawal symptoms if sexual gratification is not frequent enough. Prior to group therapy, a medical doctor should be seen to rule out any physical condition that may be causing the intense need for sex.

Generalized anxiety and depression may exist in conjunction with the addiction. In treatment, all these symptoms should be taken into consideration. The supportive meeting for addicts may be conducted by a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Someone who has experienced a sexual addiction and recovered would make a good leader as well. Perhaps a support group had a significant effect on his recovery. The main benefit of turning to other people for support is interacting with those who are experiencing similar problems.

The meetings are structured to maintain anonymity among the participants. This is the same principle that Alcoholics Anonymous is founded on. They know each other by their first names and have no worries about being unfairly judged by others.

One thing members will learn is that there are situations they need to avoid. Certain places and things may work as triggers. Triggers cause an even stronger need for the aberrant behavior. Learning ways to avoid them will further recovery.

A distribution of meeting places exist around the country ready to help the individual who is sexually obsessed. A psychiatrist may conduct the sessions as a part of therapy. A recovering addict may be in the leadership position due to his or her personal experience. Either style should endeavor to make everyone feel comfortable and relaxed enough to share their feelings and experiences.

There are all male meetings and all female meetings. Many are open to both genders. In addition, there are meetings for the spouses or partners of the afflicted person. When these family members get together they can discuss mutual problems in dealing with the addicted partner.

Many people developed an addiction to sex as a result of viewing porn on the internet. It is readily available and the temptation is too much for some. This can lead to excessive sexual activity he or she cannot control. Group support for sex addiction can be the beginning of recovery. Interacting with others who are facing this obsession can be comforting as well as informational.

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