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Discover How A Naples FL Psychologist Helps Save Marriages For Locals

By Cody Rine

Many people are shocked to learn that between forty and fifty percent of marriages in the US will end in divorce. This is a great shame since many studies have shown that couples who engage in certain actions greatly increase their chances of avoiding break-up. A Naples FL psychologist can educate couples in how to avoid damaging behaviors, and how to engage in the kind that will strengthen their union.

A simple example is provided by studies showing that couples who engage in simple acts of thoughtfulness towards their partners have a notably higher marriage survival rate. Researchers have discovered that small kindnesses really are the glue that can hold a marriage together. A marriage counselor can start a conversation about the kind of things each partner appreciates, and how each can begin making deposits in the relationship piggy bank.

Communication is another key area that can make or break a marriage. Couples with good communications skills are significantly more likely to have enduring unions. In contrast, couples who allow themselves to descend into anger and pessimism are much more likely to end up divorcing.

A marriage counselor is perfectly placed to point out destructive communication patterns between couples and help them develop more constructive ones. They can empower couples to avoid toxicity and foster greater understanding. They will then be able to discuss their differences in a context of mutual respect.

Possibly the single biggest piece of advice that a counselor can give to couples concerns the need to nurture their relationship. Most couple make the mistake of coasting along and failing to give their relationship the attention it needs. The reality is, like any area of life, relationships require a skill-set that must be learned and practiced.

Couples that learn and practice these skills can expect to have a happy, enduring marriage. A Naples FL psychologist can give them the knowledge and confidence to continually nurture and strengthen their relationship. Thus, they can look forward to a life-long union that grows and matures and is highly satisfying.

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