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The Important Role Played By A Substance Abuse Counselor Pasadena

By Harriett Crosby

Many people suffering from substance abuse issues in Pasadena can use the services of a drug abuse counselor. Counseling is effective in remedying mental health problems and the erratic behaviors associated with drug addiction, alcoholism and addition to pain relievers among others. The negative repercussions on the legal and personal side are a great hindrance to any addict. By consulting with a substance abuse counselor Pasadena residents can receive treatment that can help them meet their recovery goals.

A counselor evaluates the physical and mental health, additive behaviors the openness of the client towards receiving treatment. After completing the evaluation, this professional helps his or her client develop a treatment and recovery plan and identify any behaviors that can interfere with these processes. This professional can also review and recommend various treatment options to the family of the patient and assist them develop strategies to deal with the addition problem.

Treating addiction problems through counseling may involve both medical and behavioral approaches. Psychological counselors may offer their services at research facilities, hospitals, educational institutions, private clinics, rehabilitation centers and detox and detention centers. Their primary responsibilities include finding the exact contributing factor to addiction and helping patients to recover.

Counselors usually develop personalized treatment plans depending on the cause of the problem. Drug abuse treatment may combine contingency management, motivational interactions, family counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy. Professional counseling can help substance abusers gradually appreciate the fact that their addiction is affecting their lives and those of people around them.

With the help of counseling, patients also learn that they are not alone. Counseling therapy allows the patient to confront reality instead of passing on the blame to someone else and justifying their behavior. The patient is able to associate the problems that he or she is going through with addiction. Victims may find some sessions easier than others but progress can be expected to take place gradually.

A counselor also works jointly with family members of a patient who is undergoing treatment. The family gets regular updates about the treatment options, drugs used and the rate of recovery of their family member. Research on substance addiction treatment shows that family bonding plays a key role in the rehabilitation of an addict. This happens because the family members also receive simultaneous education on preventing any relapse and promoting a great home environment.

Substance abuse counselors also help families arrange for additional healthcare or mental health treatment that a recovering addict may need. They can consult with psychologists or psychiatrists if they suspect that a patient has an underlying mental health condition and refer them to these professionals for care if needed. They may recommend that patients undergo inpatient care at a drug addiction residential center if they believe that this will work for a patient.

Counselors always make treatment decisions in the best interest of the patient. The services they offer play an essential role in the psychological recovery of patients. After they consult with a substance abuse counselor Pasadena residents who are suffering from addiction can improve their relationships, find a higher meaning in their lives and be able to live as happy and productive citizens.

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