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Importance Services Rendered By Substance Abuse Counselor Pasadena

By Harriett Crosby

The maladaptive pattern of consumption of alcohol or other drug substances is referred to as substance abuse. Their effects range from social, vocational, legal, physical as well as educational impairment. Therefore, there is need to seek the substance abuse counselor Pasadena to effectively get appropriate services. This will assist one to access the quality services from trained personnel. Counselors are trained to effectively handle such patients suffering from emotional or psychological problems brought about by drugs and substance abuse. Through their acquired skills they are able to assist individuals suffering from such addictions to normalize their conditions.

Their professional have been trained and equipped with the necessary qualities for counseling process. Such technics are essential in carrying out counseling process effectively. Such qualities entails, being able to pose direct questions to the client. Being able to confront the client, through this, they are able to get true information regarding to the situation faced by the client.

They employ the use of self-disclosure techniques to win the confidence of the clients, they as well ensures the clients confidentiality as well as autonomy. Trained professionals are able to understand how their beliefs and feelings are likely to affect the counseling process. They possess the required skills such as warmth, empathy, nonjudgmental and genuineness. These skills are essential in understanding the needs of various patients.

The process of counseling entails identification of the problem, assessment and treatments of the abusers. These require various skills for the counselor to be able to perform the above roles. One needs to be professionally trained as well as acquire the required skills and techniques. This entails the ability to use the techniques and instruments in order assess as well as communicate with other professionals to treat and make recommendations.

Substance abuse therapist develops treatment plan in reference to the needs of clients. They gather information to be used in treatments of individual patient through the use of interview schedule together with assessment instruments. This aids in gathering information regarding the condition of the patients. They use such information to design appropriate strategy for diagnosis and treatments of such conditions.

Substance abuse counselors develop a treatment plan based on the individual client's needs. The information necessary for the individual's treatment plan is gathered through interviews in conjunction with assessment instruments.

There are various theories which are often used by such therapists, they include, cognitive behavioral theory, reality therapy, rational emotional, client centered, grief among others. In addition, one needs to undertake appropriate training to understand and apply the above theories. They are also trained on life skills and behavioral modification techniques.

People suffering from drugs and substance abuse are most likely to experience problems related with stress management, self-esteem, and suicide as well as problems with the family members or marriage problems.

The American with disability Act of 1990 ascertains that, people who are recovering from drug addiction are considered as disable. This necessitates their rehabilitation as well as professional trained individuals to assist them from such conditions. Therapist is able to evaluate their limitations and strength to provide appropriate assistance. Therefore, you need professional services from substance abuse counselor Pasadena

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