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How To Increase Breast Size Without Bankrupting Yourself

By Peter Lorimer

There are thousands of women out there who get fooled when they have breast surgery. The mistake they make is that they think the cost of breast implants will be what they see printed on the doctor's brochure, or on the website they are checking out. Let me tell you about the 7 (Seven) Main Costs that come with Breast Implants.

You need to be well aware of these BEFORE you get implants. Many people falsely assume that the total expense of breast implants only includes the price listed on the brochure in the doctors office. Once you become involved in the breast implant life, you will soon learn that there are many extra costs that come with breast implants.

Overall, there are 7 major costs you must be prepared to afford if you plan on getting breast implants, it's not just the surgery itself you need to make sure you can afford before undergoing this procedure. Due to the high costs associated with breast implants, it's recommended to look into other options for increasing your breast size. If the following costs seem crippling to you and your allowance, an enhancement cream such as Brestrogen will be more affordable and is proven to increase breast size. While the results might take 6 months, compared with the couple hours it takes to insert an implant, this is one of those things where patience pays.

While the results might take 6 months, compared with the couple hours it takes to insert an implant, this is one of those things that is worth the wait. It is actually healthier for you and The RISK is much LESS too...

Here are your EXTRA COSTS

1. Appointment Fee Surgeons charge a fee to visit. If you don't go with the surgeon you still pay a fee for seeing him.

2. Surgery The cost for surgery is only for surgery - the payment to the actual doctor who will be cutting you open. This is the price listed on the websites and brochures for surgery costs. Breast implants usually cost somewhere between $4,000 and $8,000. Costs largely depend on where you live and the reputation of the plastic surgeon you select.

3. Anesthesiologist As their title suggests, these are high-paid and highly trained individuals with a very important job. They must get you fast asleep so that you don't know anything that is going on during the procedure. The anesthesiologist doesn't just administer the drugs and leave, they must stand by throughout your entire surgery in case something goes wrong -- like you wake up. This is an added cost on your surgery bill, due on or before the day you are operated on. It usually costs at least $500 and can go all the way over $1000. This is an important job.

4. Pain Meds : After surgery the pain is not pleasant, it feels like a large truck has been parked on your chest. Walking around is difficult and after a week of being in bed, there's no other to go to sleep but to pop a pain pill! If you don't have insurance, these pills could cost you a good amount of money and they really are necessary.

5. Missing Work Time Recovery period is about 5 or 6 weeks. However if your job involves a lot of sitting or standing, such as related customer service, or sales positions, you could be back to work within one or two weeks. For 6 solid weeks though you will not be able to lift more than 5 pounds and you will potentially still be on pain meds which could jeopardize the quality of work you produce.

6. New Bras With breast surgery comes a much different set of breasts. Even if you hardly go up one-cup size, the actual breast will never work in the same bras you once wore. In order to have bras again, you'll need the money to start your collection all over. At least this time you won't need the pricier ones that come with padding.

7. Post Operation Costs Some implants are covered for 10 years in case they rupture, however you'll want implants for long after this and there's absolutely no guarantee you'll be covered before. Therefore, if complications occur after your surgery you will need to see a doctor and if you can't afford this, implants could cost you a lot more than big boobs will ever provide. The whole thing is, that EVEN IF your implants are in wonderful shape, it is recommended that you get them re-done every 10-20 years and these costs do ADD-UP.

Think long and hard before you make the decision to let the surgeon permanently scar you and insert foreign bodies in you that could cause you problems in the long run....... GO NATURAL

With Brestrogen Be GOOD To Your Body.....

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