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Careers For Those Who Love Stress

By George Dodson

Each and every type of job comes with stress. Some are very stressful while others are a little less. Stressful jobs have great impact on a human body and mind. Therefore people are always in search of less stressful jobs but sometimes fails to do so. What are the most stressful jobs are discussed in this article.

According to a new survey, very few professionals suffer from stress as much as IT professionals. Most of the IT professionals find their work stressful. Four out of five workers claim that they feel stress even before entering their work field.

The medical profession also brings in a lot of stress. Brain storming is one of the main features in this profession. They study and then apply the knowledge to treat patients on a daily basis. They hardly get any time for themselves. During the time of surgeries they need to apply their brains a lot. A lot of concentration is needed in the operation theatre. As many lives are depended on the doctor they need to have more responsibility.

Engineers also suffer a lot due to heavy stress. They have to do their jobs very precisely as any little mistake may threaten their career. Moreover, they have to ensure maximum security through their work.

Another stressful job is the work of sales and marketing. The pressure of the customers sometimes make life difficult for the sales professionals. They don?t even get time to go to the toilet during busy hours. Moreover, their patience has to be high enough lest they should not make misconduct with the customers. Marketing professionals also go through a lot of stress. New ideas are always required for the marketing professionals to maintain their job.

Teaching also brings in a lot of stress The main aim of a teacher is to provide quality education. Teachers have to deal with a lot of pressure in the classroom. Besides taking class, they also need to check the exam papers. A teacher should make every effort to solve the problems of the students.

The job is also not easy for the officials working in various financial institutions. They always have to manage the accounts precisely. Their jobs can come under scrutiny if any miscalculation occurs. Financial consultants have to ensure innovative and productive service to their clients. HR (Human Resource) administrators have to endure extreme workload. Selecting and sorting out competent people for many jobs is not at all easy. They are rather stressful.

People working in production sector also have tough duties. From manager to machine operator, all have to remain extremely busy. Moreover, they have to maintain product quality as well as tight deadlines. The production sector workers pressurise their brains a lot.

Clerical jobs can also be regarded as very stressful. The officials have to simultaneously execute the works given from upper level and manage the clients? demands responsibly.

The above discussed jobs are the most stressful jobs as considered so far. Less pay also make the job more stressful. Strict deadline is also a major concern for the people. Stress no doubt has an impact on a person?s longevity. Thus, enough rest and balanced diets can help stay healthy. Recreation also helps people get rid of the monotony that comes with stress.

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