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Applied Behavior Analysis Autism Fremont

By Harriett Crosby

Working in the field of applied behavior analysis autism Fremont is a very rewarding career. Many people are drawn to this type of work because of the huge difference it can make in peoples lives. Approximately one in a hundred children today are diagnosed on the autistic spectrum. For those on the milder end of the scale the prospects are good, however for those more seriously affected good quality professional help is vital.

These professional services focus on using a systematic program to compensate for the child's lack of social skills and may be perceived as cold and uncaring. This is usually not the case. The truth is they simply do not understand the rules of socially acceptable behaviors and reactions.

It is quite amazing how children intuitively seem to learn how to respond and react to others. They read facial expressions and gestures without being taught. Most children respect each others personal space and empathize when a friend or classmate is sick or injured. In contrast someone affected with autistic tendencies may not be able to relate to the social nuances of the classroom or playground and needs very specific instruction on how to cope.

Many autistic people also have sensory problems. This means they may have trouble with bright lights, noise or crowded places. Once they become over whelmed they may loose their composure very quickly. This often involves a host of socially undesirable behaviors such as yelling, screaming and even hitting. It is vital that these individuals learn more productive ways to handle their distress.

School can be a very challenging place for an autistic person. The constant noise, large groups of people and changes of topic and venue can quickly become a problem. A good professional will meet with each client in their home, school and leisure settings. This can help them to get a complete picture of the individuals life and allow them to construct a total individual program.

It is vital that the family and teachers of the clients are also educated about the program. They need to understand that they play a crucial role in the success of the individual. Everyone must be prepared to work together and communicate on a daily basis. The parents should convey all important information to the school and the school should be ready to let the parents know what is going on each day.

Getting help as early as possible is the key to success. That help should continue throughout the school years for as long as is necessary. Parents should never agree to anything they are not happy about. They should also be active participants in their child's educational program and never settle for anything but the best.

Given time and a well trained therapist, every autistic person has the potential to make huge strides that will improve their quality of life. Applied behavior analysis autism Fremont has a tremendous number of outstanding professionals who are dedicated to making peoples lives better and more meaningful

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