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Methods Of Family Planning Los Angeles Offers

By Leslie Griffith

A birth control technique is a way of living that is voluntarily adopted by couples. This is upon knowledge, attitude and taking of responsibilities with the need to promote a good health care and welfare to your family members. The family planning los angeles provides is a way of developing the country socially and hence maintains high standards of living for the entire community.

There are various reasons why birth control is vital for a country. It brings about births that are wanted in the community. It is a way of regulating the intervals of births that take place in married couples in relation to the age gaps required between one child and the other. It is also an effective way of determining the number of children a couple is to have hence prevents adverse effects on the health family members.

Implants are surgically inserted under the upper arm. These are small pieces of plastic that are flexible and aid in the release of progesterone into the body system. Progesterone restrains the sperms from reaching the egg. It only takes a few minutes for them to be inserted and can last up to three years. It is usually a long lasting and effective technique. Due to the surgery, it is an expensive technique of birth control.

Oral pills that are for contraceptive purposes contain progesterone and estrogen. These tow hormones are vital in ensuring that no fertilization occurs. Estrogen is involved in preventing production of the ova while progesterone ensures that the sperm and ovum do not fuse. The user usually has light periods. Means of preventing cancer as well as ovarian cysts are devised to make the method effective.

Another method is the diaphragm method. This diaphragm is made of latex material. They are inserted into the female reproductive system and is situated at the cervix. This way, the uterus does not open and thus no sperm can pass through. It can however not be used during specific times like when one has his or her periods.

The male condom is a thin sheath made of latex and is worn ion the penis before engaging in any intercourse. It collects the sperms hence no penetration of the seed to the female. They are the cost effective way of birth control. They are accessible easily and reduce spread of sexually transmitted infections. They are not friendly to those allergic to latex.

Female condoms are thin plastic pouches fitted with flexible rings at their ends. This is inserted to the vagina and each ring has its functions; the ring at closed ends aids in holding the condom, while the one in the open end is used during intercourse. This method is easy to use, prevents risk of sexually transmitted diseases as well as pregnancy. However, it causes irritation and is noisy.

Male and female sterilization is done to couples that do not want any more children. This method is a surgical procedure that involves tying of the seed and egg ducts respectively. This family planning los angeles has is permanent and has not health side effects. However, it is an expensive procedure to be carried out on poor couples.

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