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Essential Information Concerning Breast Reduction Surgery

By Andrew Moore

Reduction mammoplasty is a procedure that is more commonly known as breast reduction. It is a surgery during which a cosmetic expert removes a specific amount tissue and skin from a patient's chest in order to reduce the size of her breasts. To ensure proper proportions are maintained, the size of the areola is often altered as well.

There are many reasons a person may pursue such surgery. A woman may feel as if her natural proportions are not balanced due to large breasts. Additionally, poor posture and backache often motivate large-breasted women to seek such procedures. Maintaining bad posture is an unintentional habit that such women often develop.

Some women who are active in sports may feel limited by large breasts. This is especially true if one is planning a career in athletics. It is understandable that some of the movements performed in sporting competitions may be uncomfortable or awkward for large-breasted women.

Having the aforementioned surgery performed can eliminate many of the issues mentioned above. It is essential, however, for prospective patients to carefully review all the advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure: all surgeries, even those that are cosmetic in nature, can be risky.

A loss of sensation in the nipple area is one of the risks involved with such surgery. This is because the nipple and areola must be removed and repositioned during the procedure, which can result in nerve damage. In addition, such surgery is usually associated with mild scarring, as the latter cannot typically be avoided completely. Other complications are also possible, although serious problems such as an allergic reaction to anesthesia are not common.

Before scheduling breast reduction surgery, it is important for one to find a cosmetic surgeon with whom she has a good rapport. This is because procedures of this type result in major changes to one's body, and therefore the patient must feel comfortable discussing all the pertinent details with her doctor of choice. Ultimately, each woman must decide herself whether or not to move forward with such a procedure.

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