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Biblical Prosperity - A Key To Unlocking Heaven's Riches

By Zoe Smith

Is it just me or do you sometimes struggle with relating finances and religious principles? Didn't it say in the Bible that the love for money is the root of all evil? Does that mean that we cannot enjoy the things money can buy? It would seem like you have to choose between being good-- or being rich.

As man continued to grow in knowledge, information regarding biblical prosperity got clearer and clearer. Fortunately, man doesn't have to starve for the salvation of his soul. In fact, God says He desires to bless you with more than enough-with overflowing abundance and prosperity.

So where do we find what God says about money and possessions? The scriptures clearly outline several principles on biblical prosperity that will help us find out. First of all, there is no doubting that God wants to see us prosperous (Genesis 12:1-3; Psalm 35:27; John 10:10). Once upon a time, God called a man named Abraham to follow Him, promising to bless him abundantly. And God did. More than that, God gave Abraham a miracle in his old age-- a beloved son. Can you see this? God will not only cause you to succeed in life, He is more than willing to give you your most cherished desire as well.

Study the scriptures for financial matters and you will find tithing to be a pivotal part in God's plan of prosperity for man(Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 10:10). This is not about paying God to get you your blessings. God doesn't need your Dollars, heaven only transacts with Faith. When you tithe you show God that you are not only obedient, you trust His providence for you. Your faith opens a door for God to enter your life bringing blessings beyond your wildest dreams.

You cannot go wrong in investing in Gods supernatural economy. Whatever you give, expect a higher return for it (Luke 6:38; Deuteronomy 28; Matthew 6:33). View your money, your obedience, your every thought and action as a seed you are sowing. All things are accounted for. What you sow you shall reap so make sure the seeds you sow are of everlasting value.

Before God can bless you with prosperity you need to ask yourself honestly, can God trust you with it? You need to be a faithful steward even with the little you have (mark 10:17; Luke 12:48; 1 Timothy 6:17) so that when your breakthrough comes your heart is prepared. Enjoy the comfort things and material possessions can give you, but do not let it take first place in your life. It's not bad to have money, but do not make building your fortune your life. You cannot serve both God and money so serve God and make money serve you.

And finally, God Himself gives us the power to create wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18; 2 Corinthians 8; Philippians 4:14-18) for the intent that we too can be a blessing to others. You will enjoy success in your life while allowing yourself to be a conduit of God's work for others. There is no worthier cause than this.

Abundance and prosperity should never be utilized for self gain and pride. That is not what it's for. Take pleasure in the work of your hands and the fruits of your labor; however never forget that it cannot replace relationships with God and your fellow man. True wealth is about being healthy, being generous and being happy in God. Be all that you can be and money will find its way to you.

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