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Crazy Stop Smoking Tips

By Cecelia C. Dawson

You know that smoking is bad for your health. You know that it will kill you. You are desperate to stop, but you can't! If you are wondering how you can stop smoking forever, read this article if you dare to try these methods! They have not been discussed before, but I have found them to be very effective!The smoking method. This sounds crazy, but it works for me! Find a room and close all the windows and the door. Then lit a few cigarettes and leave them to burn. []

This will create a smoky atmosphere that will have you coughing and tearing. You will find yourself having difficulties in breathing! This is a good analogy of how your lungs are feeling deep inside you; they can't breathe properly! All the tearing will also leave you wondering why you are smoking away your life in the first place!

Here are some tips to help you quit smoking:Select a date and stick to it.Talk to your family and friends about quitting and get their support. They are the ones who should understand best and respect your decision the most. You can be each other's support structure. Exchange your experience and tips.Take up another habit to substitute the habit of smoking. It can be simply to replace the oral fixation with sugar free chewing gums, or an activity of your choice.

Start exercising. This will help channel the excess energy you feel and make you fit as well. This should also lead you to drink some water, that is a great cleanser for your body.Stay busy. This will help you keep your mind off smoking and getting tired by the end of the day will help you sleep better. There are countless activities if you take the time to think about them. What can you do at home ? What can you do outside ? Even the smallest task needs focus, and you are not thinking about smoking during this time.

You will be happy to know that cravings do not last. If you have a craving, find the balance between trying to ignore the discomfort and talking/focussing on it too much. Instead, be aware of the discomfort and turn it to your advantage by using the excess energy to exercise or enjoy a favourite hobby. Or you can simply distract yourself. Take it one day at a time.Instead of thinking that you might never smoke again, tell yourself that you are only not going to smoke for one day. Then do another day and another, until you have done your first week.Deal with cravings by substitution.

Reduce your intake gradually. It is really very difficult to stop smoking overnight because your body will feel a lot of discomfort. If you get rid of your cigarettes overnight then you are likely to start the habit all over again because you can't do without the nicotine.Do not set very high expectations of yourself when you do stop smoking entirely. It is not just a question of will power. You will only feel bad about yourself when you inevitably pick up your habit all over again. In fact, you should expect to have relapses a few times at least before you are eventually successful in quitting the habit.

Try and reduce your stress levels so that you do not have an excuse to start smoking once you have quit the habit. Take up yoga, meditation or exercise so that you feel good about yourself and have no excuse to resume the habit.Stay away from people who smoke cigarettes. If you are exposed to second hand cigarette smoke very frequently then you might reach out for cigarettes without even thinking about it. Get all the assistance you need in order to increase your chances of success. There are many products available in the market that can help you achieve your objective by supplying your body with nicotine in order to reduce your levels of discomfort.

It is very important for you to follow these tips to live a healthy life and get rid of your cigarette addiction or at least to reduce it. Even if you are not able to quit smoking the first time around (or even the second or third time) you will eventually be able to get rid of this habit. In fact, you will be able to improve your health considerably if you use these tips to stop smoking entirely.Do you want to stop your smoking habit? Everybody has their own reason to quit smoking. One of the reasons is it will cause health problem. Quitting smoking is a great idea and can ultimately save you from suffering from chronic complications of cigarette smoking. Using natural herbs have been known to be effective in helping smokers quit smoking. There are many herbs that are main ingredients for smoking supplements and dietary aids like Lobelia, St. John's Wort, Black Cohosh, Hyssop, Korean ginseng, Motherwort and Peppermint. Here are some simple tips before you use natural herbs in quitting smoking for good:

For other people, repression only becomes a problem a few days or weeks after stopping. What happens is that the desire is so persistent at first that it is impossible to repress it, but as it fades in strength and frequency, it becomes increasingly possible to ignore it altogether.After a few weeks into quitting smoking, you might need to induce your desire to smoke only once or twice a day. But it's important to do so because it's only while you stay in touch with your desire to smoke that you can stay in control of it.

Take advantage of familiar situations where you would have smoked, such as the end of a meal, as opportunities to induce your desire. Instead of jumping up from the table to get on with the washing-up, sit there for a while, as you would have done, let yourself feel your desire to smoke and think through your choice not to smoke - for now.Later on, as you become more familiar with these methods of how to quit smoking, your desire may only last a few seconds, but making a deliberate effort to acknowledge it by inducing it can make the difference between success and failure in the long term.If you lead a very busy life, inducing your desire will be especially important. Busy people can stop smoking for days or weeks, barely aware of their desire to smoke in the background of their crowded minds. But just because you don't take the time to deal with it properly, the desire doesn't vanish; it keeps coming, like a nagging child demanding attention. Or it can suddenly and unexpectedly explode, perhaps at a time of crisis, arid, because your conscious mind hasn't practiced dealing with it, you can suddenly find yourself on the verge of smoking.If you stop to induce a desire - and this only takes a few moments - you give your desire the attention it requires. As a result it becomes easy to live with and, most important of all, you are in control of it.

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