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A Guide To Transpersonal Coaching

By Allyson Burke

In order to understand what transpersonal coaching is you need to know the basic definition. Transpersonal means to go beyond the person. It is about looking at a range of issues rather than simply the individual and their personal circumstances. With the right coach it is possible to change lives not just in the short term but also change their outlook in the long term as well.

The term transpersonal refers to looking at something that goes beyond the individual. The lessons taught to us in school, the friends we have around us and how we are brought up as children all potentially influence our lives. However it is important to note that this is not about assigning blame or excusing behavior. It is about being empathetic and looking at how you can turn a negative reaction into a positive one.

The sad fact is that problems do not exist in isolation. While some people may be able to deal with difficulties and switch off once they get home this is rarely the case. Indeed if anything problems at work are likely to make it harder to relax at home, resulting in the accumulation of more stress.

You may then react to that stress by eating comfort food, smoking or drinking alcohol. This in turn negatively affects your physical health and results in discomfort that can add to that stress. The stress in turn then exacerbates the physical problems, resulting in a vicious cycle where each negative reaction results in another problem arising and the method of dealing with it only seems to create more problems.

However a coach can also go deeper. For example improved health can lead to reduced stress. This in turn can mean people feel happier and are more likely to be able to focus on their working life. This holistic approach means that a lot of the issues that can be obstacles to fulfillment can be dealt with in a way that you may not necessarily get using more conventional motivational methods.

In the short term a treat or a drink at the end of the day is alright and often the mental process of having something to mark the end of the day before you go home can make it easier to switch off and relax. The problem is when it starts to become a compulsion and then becomes an addiction. A coach needs to guide their client away from these coping mechanisms and look at the deeper issues behind their unhappiness and how to overcome mental obstacles.

There are a number of people that can offer this service. It can be difficult as a client needs to open up to their coach. However it is not the same as therapy. It is not so much about looking at the past and resolving inner conflict as it is looking at how those inner conflicts and wider societal influences are causing obstacles that prevent people reach their goals.

There are various people that offer transpersonal coaching services. It is worth asking them about their circumstances. Often the coach will have experience that can be beneficial, showing how they have overcome problems and how they pass on that knowledge to other clients. Look online to find coaches in your local area to see how they can help you.

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