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Showing posts from October, 2013

How To Help A Depressed Man And Keep Your Relationship Strong

By Adrian M. Felton Are you feeling helpless and totally overwhelmed with your life? Is getting out of bed in the morning impossible to do some days? The impact of depression can be life altering in the worse way, I know this from personal experience. Self help for depression and anxiety is available and it is very vital to your success at beating this condition. There are great books on depression, it's really about deciding what you need. Depression is a normal part of life. Yet, if it goes unresolved, it can have a disastrous affect on personal functioning, relationships and careers. It can result in temporary personality changes, uncharacteristic bouts of anger and moodiness, create communication problems, spur conflict, and lead to relationship problems or marital distress. Thus, depression is a condition that must be recognized and treated for men to function on their highest level.What Are The Signs? Men who are depressed may suddenly become irritable and quick to an...

The Strangest Secret - Believe And Succeed

By John W. Barker For a while now, I have been reading about three hours a day. I love to read. I like to understand and analyze the books I read. I've always loved to write, too. I have written poems, songs, stories, games, comic strips (two published in "La Opinion," a newspaper in Los Angeles, and in another two newspapers in California) and more - most are written in Spanish.I didn't read too much until about five years ago. I know, most of the people say, "to be a good writer, you need to be a good reader first"... and I'm sure that is true, but I believe in myself and I have so much passion to write. I just do what I love to do and I always do my best in everything. When I read a self-help book, I write down notes about it and I practice what the author writes about. I'm a very passionate learner. I always learn something from the books I read. The last book I read is "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. It is ...

The Law Of Attraction For Skeptics And Logical People

By Luuke Karatas Success means different things to different individuals. It comes in many different forms and the idea of being successful for one person might not be the same as for another person. In fact, there are as many definitions of success as there are people on this planet. For instance, if you are a businessman, success may mean being among the top 10 companies in your industry and if you are a student, success may mean getting distinctions and coming first in your exams. According to Earl Nightingale, "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal." It is therefore very important for each one of us to define clearly what success means to us. We can use the Law of Attraction to attract the success we desire in our life. According to the Law of Attraction, we attract into our lives, whatever we give our energy, attention and focus to, whether wanted or unwanted. If we want to deliberately attract success, we have to follow three steps.If we want ...

The Science Of Getting Rich

By Miel Meester I read the little book that inspired the successful book and movie "The Secret" called "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles. It reminded me of the Universal Principles I learned decades ago. The book doesn't get into details of why the principles work. Instead, it is an application manual. How cool is that? Do you believe that you have anything to do whatsoever with what occurs in your life? Do you believe you have any control over what results show up in your life? Or have you thought about this at all, happy to sit on the sidelines as a bystander in your life, simply taking what comes? Maybe too busy paying the bills, doing the things we all do in life? Yes, it's easy to do, but common now, honestly, haven't you ever wondered what it would be like to really live?.Well let's get started then. What's this guy and his program about? The guy and the program are all about life. And how you can change yours. If ...

Meditation - TM - Transcendental Meditation Technique

By Patricia E. Beeson We've already told you that meditating every day will help to increase your winnings, but we haven't really gotten into the specifics of how. Also, we realize that for many people, meditating can be seen as a chore with no real end purpose, or even worse, spiritual garbage. Therefore, we've written this article to help explain how meditation can increase your profits, and as a bonus we're including our secret on how to get the most out of your meditation each and every time. In our current reality, doing nothing (or non-doing) is seen as a ridiculous waste of time. There's money to be had, and sitting around watching your thoughts is seen as a perfect way to miss out on making it. We're here to tell you that this couldn't be further from the truth. Your thoughts act as a lens through which you perceive reality. In this way, they guide and shape all your decisions and actions, and in turn, either make you money or make you lose m...

A Guide To Transpersonal Coaching

By Allyson Burke In order to understand what transpersonal coaching is you need to know the basic definition. Transpersonal means to go beyond the person. It is about looking at a range of issues rather than simply the individual and their personal circumstances. With the right coach it is possible to change lives not just in the short term but also change their outlook in the long term as well. The term transpersonal refers to looking at something that goes beyond the individual. The lessons taught to us in school, the friends we have around us and how we are brought up as children all potentially influence our lives. However it is important to note that this is not about assigning blame or excusing behavior. It is about being empathetic and looking at how you can turn a negative reaction into a positive one. The sad fact is that problems do not exist in isolation. While some people may be able to deal with difficulties and switch off once they get home this is rarely the ...

Essential Information On Catholic Evangelization

By Allyson Burke Spreading the word of God to all nations is the work most Christians were left to perform by the lord. It is therefore the mandate of every folk to have the right to come out clearly and perform the task. The work may not be so easily but it only requires dedication and probably the full love of God. One has also to be informed on catholic evangelization and the steps to follow in becoming one of the most reliable people of the lord. Many catholic believe that the task of spreading the word of God is not their duty. They just leave the mandate to the priests or the bishops who at times may not have the fully visit the entire land just to tell the people about the bible. It is therefore the opportunity of every folk to efficiently engage in the output process. One has to have the love of God and easily benefit from the meetings that can be held to bring more people to the true relationship with God. The Holy Spirit is also vital to the Christian growing in t...

Crazy Stop Smoking Tips

By Cecelia C. Dawson You know that smoking is bad for your health. You know that it will kill you. You are desperate to stop, but you can't! If you are wondering how you can stop smoking forever, read this article if you dare to try these methods! They have not been discussed before, but I have found them to be very effective!The smoking method. This sounds crazy, but it works for me! Find a room and close all the windows and the door. Then lit a few cigarettes and leave them to burn. [] This will create a smoky atmosphere that will have you coughing and tearing. You will find yourself having difficulties in breathing! This is a good analogy of how your lungs are feeling deep inside you; they can't breathe properly! All the tearing will also leave you wondering why you are smoking away your life in the first place! Here are some tips to help you quit smoking:Select a date and stick to it.Talk to your family and friends about quitting and get their support. They are ...

How To Be Confident

By George B. Peck The aim of most high school students is to be popular; they will do anything they can to make sure they're recognized among many people. However, being popular isn't easy. Being popular doesn't simply mean having good looks. There are many qualities that make people popular. Luckily, here are some simple methods that will help you on your path to becoming a popular student.The first thing to know about popular kids is that they don't necessarily have to have good looks, but instead they have some other qualities that attract people to them. Popular kids are usually friendly with everyone without preference. They also have confidence, which is an important trait to have despite who you are. To me, popularity isn't self-serving, it is about serving others. It's about giving to others, not taking.How do we become popular?1) Listen to people. People love to talk and they love to talk about their favourite topic. What is it? Whenever you get...

Creative Visualization Techniques - You Can Make Things Happen

By Alan L. Lee What Creative Visualization Is NOT! Before I reveal a couple of techniques that you can use to implement creative visualization in your everyday life allow me to first debunk a few of the common myths associated with it and then give you a bit of the history of creative visualization. First, creative visualization is not simply sitting back daydreaming and expecting money to show up in your mailbox. Secondly, it is not simply writing goals and fantasizing about them until the career you want will simply materialize. I can assure you that if you use that strategy in your career development there will eventually be an angry landlord taping an eviction notice to your door. And thirdly, creative visualization is not about imposing your mystical will upon another to receive the good you believe that you deserve. Force negates so to expect any good to come your way doing that is really futile. By definition creative visualization is the art or practice of attempting to...

How To Build Self Confidence To Approach Women

By Heath D. Jones Many people believe that self confidence is something you either have or don't. This is a self limiting belief and like most self limiting beliefs it simply isn't true. Possessing assured self confidence is a skill that can be developed by anyone and once you do acquire it, you will feel much calmer, less stressed and the quality of your life will significantly improve.So, if you want to become a person who oozes confidence, then the following 3 ways to build self confidence will help you achieve it.Respect Yourself - The cornerstone of self-confidence is self respect. Many people who lack self confidence are terribly hard on themselves. They put themselves down at every opportunity and beat themselves up over and over again with all of the mistakes they have made. Additionally, they will criticize the way they look, their personalities and negatively brood over difficult times from the past that have been and gone. It is difficult to be self confident...

Practical Tips On How To Win The Lottery

By Sergio S. Brooks To say winning the lotto is difficult would be a huge understatement. If there were one easy way to win, no lottery would be in business, and certainly not the largely profitable business that it is. Still, there are strategies that lottery players can use to increase their odds of winning. Below is a list of tips on how to win the lottery to keep in mind.Be sure to include lotteries with smaller jackpots and fewer players. There are several players that have won the jackpot more than once and when they do most of their other tickets are winners for the three, four and five number tickets. There is only one combination in the set of tickets with the jackpot but they score with many winning prizes. You can dramatically increase your chances to win the lottery with just a few dollars by following these 3 tips. These games allow you an additional chance to win or to win extra money.Don't play a consecutive sequence of numbers.It is highly unlikely that ...

How To Be Famous Easily

By Benjamin Hammond In case you are looking for ways of becoming famous, your drive should not be the money. The road to fame can prove very challenging and therefore, if all you want is the money; it might take a long time to become a reality. The tips on how to become famous include working hard to improve on your exceptional qualities. Therefore, working hard and smart with your talents can create the way to fame. If you think you are not talented, you can consider thinking out of the box. You've heard of the many new famous singers and actors that make the impression they came out of nowhere and were just lucky. In reality there's always work behind it. Work you just don't see. The e-book "Next Online Celebrity" focuses on all the things that are going on in the background while somebody new is about to hit it big. It teaches on how to be a celebrity in today's new entertainment industry solely based on tools available on the internet. And that...

The 11 Forgotten Laws Critique - Is It A Scam Or Legit?

By Megan R. Grayson What is The Law Of Supply and why is it so important to your ultimate success? The underlying premise of The Law Of Supply is that God (or The Universe, if that's what you prefer) is the source of all supply. And because God is the source of all supply, there is no shortage in the Universe. There is a never ending supply for all our needs.The Law Of Supply also goes on to state that when there is a demand for something, the resources needed to create it are available. There has to be a demand first before we can be aware of the supply. For example, the raw materials to create a motor vehicle has been present in the earth since the dawn of mankind. But it was only once man 's mind broadened to imagine this sort of transport could a demand for it be created. And once the demand was there, man became aware of the raw materials (supply) needed to build the car. Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey deliver a stellar program that, if utilized, will change yo...

Tips On Growing Taller Naturally

By Wayne D. Richardson If you want to know how to grow taller naturally and fast, then you must engage in posturing exercises that will assist in the alignment of your spine. This makes it possible to attain a body height that is maximum. Posture exercise is an important part of growing taller when using natural methods.Posture exercises also enable you to maintain strong muscles on the neck, the upper back and the top part of the spine. When the muscles are strengthened, it is easier to keep neck and the head in the proper alignment with the spine something that cannot be achieved if the muscles are weak. When you are able to strike a good posture, then it is also possible to obtain your maximum height.[] There are many theories that suggest that a person can grow taller even after the body has passed the period of development, but there is no way to lengthen the bones, unless you have surgery. The bones can only grow until the end of puberty and early adulthood, and once the ...

Drug Rehab Treatment Is On The Rise

By Monica B. Nice Women's drug rehab treatment is on the rise across America. Recent research has proven that many more women are being diagnosed with drug and alcohol problems than ever before. While this might seem alarming, the cause of the increase can be related to improved awareness and openness about substance abuse in our communities. According to national surveys of doctors' offices around the country, this increase in diagnosis has also coincided with an increase in drug rehab treatment.[] While reports of more cases of addiction are alarming, there is hope as well. Drug rehab treatment is increasing steadily, proving that people are getting the help that they need. Rather than struggle alone, individuals facing substance abuse are recognizing the fact that there is a problem, seeking help and reclaiming control in their lives. Recognizing there is a problem is half the battle and the first step toward victory over substance abuse. A person suffering from ...

How To Stop Smoking

By Gerda J. Worth Do you want to learn how to stop smoking cigarettes? How frequently have you declared to yourself or somebody else, "I really need to give up cigarettes," only to do a flip-flop and smoke yet another cigarette? In the event that you are similar to many cigarette smokers, your answer will be: "A great deal more times than I am comfortable with." You are certainly not alone. Research shows that about 90% of current smokers have a desire to kick their smoking addiction. The lucky reality is: By putting forth a little bit of effort and a lot of devotion, anyone could ultimately figure out how to stop smoking cigarettes and lead a more healthy life as a recovering smoker. If you are dead set on quitting, here is a complete quit smoking plan to help you kick your nicotine addiction to the curb and stop smoking cigarettes forever.[] When people think about trying to quit cigarettes, they realize it's in the best interest of their health to qui...